Thursday, September 23, 2010

FRINGE BLOG Fansite: Reviews, Clues, News .

"We didn`t know whatwe were making three days ago," John Noble said, looking back on thefirst two seasons of Fox`s compelling, creepy and quirky sci-fi show"Fringe." "We knew we`d put together this disparate group of people -Olivia (Anna Torv), Peter (Joshua Jackson) and Walter (Noble) - to solvethese odd crimes, but at that period we didn`t have, or I didn`t have,much of an idea of where it would travel.

I didn`t take an idea thatwe`d travel into this alternative universe we`ve been in. Certainly Ididn`t know that.

"I distrust that Jeff Pinkner, our show runner, had some of these ideasrunning in his head," Noble surmised, "because he did create theplatform from which to go. But the 1st half of the first season wewere just jumping around the office trying to get something that worked.We were doing almost procedural stuff, and that didn`t feel quiteright. We were trying to produce the personality stuff, and that didfeel right.

"So around Episode 10 we did a break and said, `OK, let people get toknow Olivia.` We concentrated on Olivia and her background, and herrelationships with Dick and Walter. That set us up for a good finish toSeason 1 and set us up for a very strong Season 2. I think Season 2was far more solid. We knew where we were passing and the characters hadbeen established and, when you make that, you can go pretty muchanywhere and people will go with you."

Enough people went on for the mount that Fox renewed "Fringe" for athird season, and that season will start tonight with an episodeentitled "Olivia." The hour will clean up where the two-partsecond-season finale, "Over There," left off, with forces from the otherside, or Over There, ready to pay war with the earth as we recognise it, orOver Here, and "our" Olivia imprisoned by the alternate-universeWalter, or "Walternate." The alternate Olivia was finally seen trying toblend in Over Here.

"We finished in the finale last year by crossing over," Noble said inhis still-thick Australian accent, "and there was a switch done right atthe end. So the Former Side Olivia came over here as a spy, really, andour girl was captured there by Walternate. So the head is, `What`sthe reason for that?`

"We go to do that query and have you the reasons in Season 3,"he said. "The Former Side Olivia comes Over Hither to spy on us and findout what our technology is, what our government are, how we operate.That`s common sense, really, in a war.

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