Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pajamas Media PJMedia Sues Department of Defense for Climate .

Almost 3 months ago, PJMediareported the report of a simple Freedom of Information Act request.

Our own Richard Pollock submitted a quest to the Department of Defense to try and get out exactly who was on the four airplanes that flew to Copenhagen for the mood change conference in 2009, how much fuel they burned doing it, andhow much it cost.

The general force of the report was probably to have been "look how much fuel they used going to a league to determine how much fuel we get to burn."

Fifteen months later, Richard got back _ four blank pages.

After making a few calls and alert a few cages, we were told that there were many more documents but that the respective reporting agencies hadn`t released them yet and a release was "forthcoming soon."

Two months later still nothing.

So PJMedia got together with Judicial Watch, a non-profit watchdog group in Washington, D.C. and we sued the Department of Defense. The subject was filed just last week.

According to the release announcing the lawsuit, Judicial Watch, on behalf of PJMedia, is asking the tribunal to regulate the Air Force to take a hunt for any and all responsive records, set a specific date that PJMedia is to find the requested documents, and provide PJMedia with a Vaughn index describing the records that are being withheld under claims of exemption.

In the release, Roger L. Simon, CEO of PJMedia took the government to task:

What happened to the foil that candidate Obama promised? It has taken about a class for this government to go over a flight manifest and so that document was heavily redacted. The Obama administration has proved itself to be one of the most secretive administrations in history.

I spoke to Tom Fitton, the chairman of Judicial Watch, last week. He says there`s more to it than simply the government not lacking to go over records. The dingy little secret is that the Air Force has a flutter of luxury jets they have available to high government officials and members of Congress. Fitton also said the records we`ve asked for are readily available.

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