Saturday, February 12, 2011


One of the hardest things to do in life is to ask for help.
We all feel like it reduces us somehow, it shows weakness or a flaw within us .
Nothing could be farther from the truth.
More often than not, we tend to go to those who we feel will serve us out.
After all.think about it.

you don't go to individual or some property that will shoot you down, do you ?

The difficult part is accepting that in asking for help, you have given the askee a chance to do something good, something positive in their life.
That is a gift and it is a huge one.
Some cultures or religions call this Karma.
Others like myself call it being a decent person .
Southside Johnny called me tonight.
He had only started a new job recently and with the cold weather , he unfortunately had come down with some form of flu .
He worked a day sick, and so took the following day off.
Common sense says send the sick person home before they infect the whole office .
When he returned to work, they decided he was not a "right fit" and they let him go.
It should be noted that this is a commission job.
He is gifted at his line of form and they really, really lost what could be considered an asset for their company, even though he told me tonight on the earpiece that he googled this company.and they were " shaky at best."
I could tell that this was a tough claim for him to work tonight .
I truly believe that if the positions were reversed, and he had the ability , he would be there for us and would avail us.
If something happened to my husband, Gaia forbid, he would be the outset one I'd call and he would be there for me.
We are family.
I love you Southside.
Your Older sister.

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