Friday, February 11, 2011

Nuraina A Samad's .540 Jalan Sudin: Sorry, John, I'd Have To .

Old Fart said...

I presume you posted this piece after having read all the news items about Valentine's day. Especially the sermon read in the mosque today.Considering there is a fatwa on just about everything, I wonder if there is a fatwa on corruption!Really, how far is John wrong in what he asserts? 8:58 PM

Anonymous said...

So you get your info from jebat must die blog?

No wonder they gave you "Datuk". I am still wondering what the fock you contributed to this country anyway? Just write some crap and lick umno's balls and thats it? 10:55 PM

Awang Sidek said...

Nuraina:To be constructive and useful to yourself and your blog, (i) state which points you do not agree to, (ii) and tell us why.It is pointless to put up a hand and say "I disagree!", then keep quiet.Most importantly:As a journalist and a top editor, you should sustain by now understood the nature of data and informational discourse. It follows that in understanding information, we shouldn't worry about who is who's friend. The main point is simply this: is the person's argument true or accurate or not? And then why?It is precisely those who cannot defend themselves who resort to comments like "he is saying like that because he is a cow, or he is the son of Zeus" and so on.So let's keep our eyes and head on the facts. Where do you not agree, and why is he wrong?Let's hear it from you, Nuraina. You don't get to write an essay. Dot points will do. 12:24 AM

Anonymous said...

Nuraina, you are a person of words and literature, try to get real and live the life of ordinary people, see how racial politics effects day-to-day lives simple folks. 12:51 AM

Anonymous said...

Nuraina, you are a person of words and literature, try to get real and live the life of ordinary people, see how racial politics effects day-to-day lives simple folks. 12:51 AM

Anonymous said...

Like him you too possess "reason that he would defend his friend". Rarely I see you get strong opinion in your blog. Normally just regurgitating stuff. Question: are you saying that that Mallot was saying is 100% not true? 7:41 AM

Anonymous said...

Good work datuk. 20 writes up care of this "quality" will certainly qualify for tan sriship. 10:16 AM

Anonymous said...

Are you so insulated from the realities around you (probably more so now after being wrapped up in the Datuk title) to just brush aside what MANY (may be majority but definitely not minority) tend to believe about most of the thing this guy said? Suggest you rise above the 'Utusan Malaysia mentality'. 12:25 PM

Ravin said...

Truth hurts. 4:52 PM


Ravin,yes.the truth always hurt. but this one isn't, so.tak sakit pun. 5:46 PM


Old Fart, dear,actually i don't suppose i've read all the news items about Valentine's Day. I might even have missed those that quoted the ulamaks.As for John's assertions, well, I've said what i want to say - that I don't agree with his view. And it's not because it's his. It happens to be his. 5:50 PM

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