Sunday, March 6, 2011

I Give Up (part 1)

Greetings Jovinuts, Jukesnuts . and those that are just nuts in general!

Okay.well, so often has happened over the final week in price of concerts that my idea is lost by all the details. So, I hold up! Rather than cover each case with individual posts, I'm just going to do a quasi-improvisatory, stream-of-consciousness, write-it-as-it-comes type of blog post. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

nd, I know y'all just do for the pictures, anyway. ROFL

Anyhoo, this is why I'm all crazed:

Thursday 2/24 - Bon Jovi MSG 1
Friday 2/25 - Bon Jovi MSG 2
Saturday 2/26 - Southside Johnny in Montclair
Sunday 2/27 - Bon Jovi in Washington, DC
Wednesday 3/2 - NYC Hit Squad at Iridium
Friday 3/4 - Lorenza Ponce and Bon Jovi at Mohegan Sun (#HolyMaryMotherOfAllSetlists)
Saturday 3/5 - Bon Jovi at MSG

Yeah . that only about sums up the chaos.I already wrote a bit about that first duo of Bon Jovi MSG shows, so I'll just leap into the Southside show...

All Was Good in Wellmont

So, as if back-to-back nights at Madison Square Garden wasn't exciting enough, they were followed by a much-anticipated Saturday night in Montclair, NJ with Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes.

I had been looking ahead to this display for quite some time, knowing that many of my friends in town for Jovi were passing to be attending as well. After meeting up near Port Authority, a few of us girls (including a pair of the crazy Gs who were partly of my EuroTour adventure) boarded a bus to New Jersey. #AlwaysAnAdventureWithBAJG (lordy I pass a lot of clip on buses in the name of music! *rolls eyes*)

After some slightly anxious moments (seems the bus driver wasn't too keen on telling anybody where the bus stops are . we were only supposed to live by osmosis! we finally get it to the locus with sight of sentence for the girls to store for merchandise and for me to get up with my Jukes family. In congress to many of my fellow Jukians (Juke-ites? Juke-osos?), I came pretty deep to the party. Nonetheless, I have made some great friends amongst the crowd and shows are ever a blow when we are all together.

I had never been to the Wellmont so I really didn't acknowledge what to expect . the locale was fine, though not mad about all the concrete within the mansion itself (which can play havoc on acoustics. As for the show, in usual Southside Johnny fashion, it was . well . unique. WONDERFULLY unique. It is no surprise to regular readers of this blog how often I adore the Jukes - the music, the guys, the spontaneity, the chaos. Never a dull moment . there was a gorgeous off-the-cuff performance of Up On the Roof, amusing stage banter between Rebel and Kazee, a special guest appearance by Outside the Box keyboard player Mark Masefield, a wonderful cover of Loving Cup by Kazee and a show-ending performance of Hearts of Stone, dedicated to my friend T from Atlanta (a fellow JoviJukesGirl.)

I may have departed a little overboard on the whole picture-taking thing . I ended up with some 4,000 images. *bows head in shame* But, I can free it! Jukesfans don't have pictures like Jovinuts do. There isn't as much out there . I'm single-handedly taking charge of that! LOL

Here are approximately of my faves...

...Southside always wears his eye on his arm on stage...

...trumpet player extraordinaire Chris Anderson...

...Jeff Kazee, keeping it all together and moving along...

...and Tom pounding out the beat...

...Jeff and Mark Masefield. (p.s. you should watch out OTB's site and mind to their songs. Suddenly Saturday and Silenced the Radio are favorites of mine! Suddenly Saturday has one of the catchiest choruses I've heard in a while.)

...Neal Pawley on trombone...

...quintessential Johnny...

Okay.I better go on given the list of pictures I COULD post of the Jukes. Needless to say, there is no longer a deficit of images. ROFLMAO

So, what was up next?Oh yeah ...

Mr. Bongiovi and the Boys Go to Washington
I always end up going to the DC show, regardless of the "DC curse" that has existed for years. It only happens that the DC picture is usually after a big show in either New York or Philadelphia, and as such that picture is a bit more lackluster than others.Of flow when you are talking Jovi, you are still talking an improbably high degree of performance anyway.Nonetheless, the set list was exactly as I expected.Probably I could have skipped this show, but I'd promised a dear, dear friend of mine that I would have him to his first Jovi concert ever.He loved it . and got to hear his favourite song off The Circle album (Work for the Working Man. I got a big dinner and sangria out of it . and was capable to play hooky and go out of my firm's Washington office on Monday.So, in the end, not so bad.

Of course, I took a few pictures ...

...Jon's Mick Jagger impersonation (though in this shot, looks more similar the funky chicken. LOL)...

...Richie and Hugh... of my favorites from this show...

...have I mentioned that I know this guitar? (I know.two or three hundred times hehe)...

...Jon's "dance moves" up on the platforms during WGIGO...

...Keep the Faith...

Well, like all right things . this blog post needs to get to an end at some point. So, until next time (NYC Hit Squad, Mohegan and MSG3) . ciao for now!

p.s. no worries if you wanted more pictures . I will be doing some random "images only" posts as I go through the most 10,000 pictures I took in the final two weeks. :-)

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