Tuesday, March 15, 2011

theblogprof: Video of John Conyer (D-Detroit): ObamaCare sure as .

Not that its often better than what ObamaCare does, which is to moderate the insurance companies and install rationing of care. Conyers followed up at the 4:00 set by again stating that ObamaCare is a pretense to single payer universal (lack of) healthcare. More on Conyers from The Politico: Conyers wants to make Obama `a better president`. He at least gets a point for this:
"I`m certain he realised what he was getting into," said Conyers in aMonday morning speech to the National Press Club."He tried to closeGuantanamo; he was against tax cuts to the wealthy; we keep getting alonger and longer list of things that he cherished to do, wished he coulddo, and of form is having a big problem. The just thing that saveshim, of course, is there doesn`t seem to be anybody to run against himnext year."Ain't that the sad truth though. How about Paul Ryan jump in?

UPDATE: From Ed Morrissey:
Remind me again near the Politifact "biggest lie" of 2010. Or best yet, remind Rep. John Conyers, who tells CNS News that ObamaCare was a necessary stride in the eventual government takeover of American health care.

...As we have said all along, the total structure is designed forfailure. It`s a Trojan horse for an eventual government takeover ofhealth care in the emptiness of a crash in health insurance, forced intofailure through government regulation. Conyers simply confirms thislong-term strategy.

Speaking of which, Senator Al Franken says that the lodge that NetNeutrality amounts to a government takeover of the Internet is just assilly as claiming ObamaCare to be a government takeover of health care.And fair to show how Net Neutrality doesn`t come to a governmenttakeover, Franken wants government to reply to violations of NetNeutrality rules with criminal prosecution: ...Good grief.

Video of John Conyer (D-Detroit): ObamaCare sure as heck is a pretence for single-payer and total government takeover of healthcare
Funny how after ObamaCare passed, all of the sudden the line from the Democrats changed. Note in this video (starting at near the 0:40 mark) how Conyers says that ObamaCare is a "platform" for "progress" towards single-payer where there will be no private insurance companies and so an outright government takeover of

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