Saturday, March 5, 2011

What is a Herniated Disc?

If you are one of many patients who are having trouble in the lumbar spine and/or leg or cervical spine and/or arm you may be hurt with a disc herniation. Finally, you go to the doctor and the diagnosis is - herniated disc. It is then your head starts to inquire, "What is a herniated disc?"

Spinal Anatomy

It is really significant for us to survey the spine`s anatomy.

Most herniated discs occur in the cervix or in the low back and are often less frequent in the mid back. Vertebra of the neck (cervical spine) are shaped differently from vertebra of the lower back. Still, the mechanics of how you intervertebral discs herniate, bulge, or protrude are similar.

Twenty-six bones called vertebra make up the spinal column. Shock absorbing cushions, intervertebral discs, are situated between each vertebra. Annular fibers of cartilage surround a thick liquid center called the nucleus. For the about part disc are almost without blood supply. Movements of the vertebra pump in the essential nutrients to prevent the disc alive. The disc begins to die if the vertebral joint cease movement.

The perimeter rings of the record have a really good nerve supply. The hot sticky gum like nucleus move like a bag of water just more slowly. When load on the body compresses the record the nucleus absorbs shock by causing the cartilage to enlarge and so prevent fractures of the vertebra.

Natural Degenerative Changes of Discs

Discs of the human skeleton, about the age of 25, begin to dehydrate causing the cartilage to get dry and brittle. Disc are often damaged early in living as we enter in activities that are highly compressive to the back and disc. When force is exerted on our body, the ring fibers of cartilage begin to charge and crack. The force then causes the thick liquid center to spread into the crack causing the weakened cartilage to protrude, bulge, or herniate.

Injury to a nuts and torn disc is caused by:

1. putting pressure on a nerve

2. chemicals leak from the damaged disc and vex the nerve

3. or by stretching the nervousness in the outer rings fibers of cartilage.

Herniated Disc Symptoms

Disc herniation symptoms in the cervical spine include:

a. cervical spine pain

b. radiating pain into the arm(s)

c. upper mid back pain

d. numbness in the arm(s)

e. arm(s) weakness

f. muscle spams in the arm(s)

Symptoms of disc herniation in the lower back include:

a. pain in the low back

b. leg pain, especially under the knee

c. numbness in the leg(s)

d. lower extremity muscle spasms

e. leg(s) weakness

Rare cases of disc herniation cause a deprivation of gut or bladder control (severe constipation or diarrhea or shop or inability to urinate). If you are experiencing lower back and leg pain or numbness associated with release of gut or bladder control, go now to the hospital emergency room before your nerves are damaged permanently. This rare and rare check in both trauma and non- traumatic herniated disc of the lower back is called Cauda Equina Syndrome.

If you are miserable with herniated discs, I recommend to the consider spinal decompression therapy.

Disc decompression therapy is:

1. extremely safe

2. effective most of the time

3. FDA cleared

4. non-surgical

5. most people can financially afford it.

Early diagnosis and discussion of herniated disc leads to early correction. Postponement of treatment runs the risks of more costly, invasive, and risky procedures.

Learn more about Austin Chiropractor. Stop by Austin Chiropractor, Dr. John D. Carlson`s site where you can get out all about Austin Herniated Disc Relief and what it can do for you. Dr. Carlson is qualified in spinal decompression.

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