Saturday, May 28, 2011

D Talks: Forums Sustain My Geeky Hunger

My Friends know I'm a huge Geek for Super Heroes, more specifically, Batman.
So they incline to e-mail me News & Articles about upcoming Films & Games & junk like that.
I know they're Hearts are in the proper place bothers the Hell out of me!

I'm always up to see with the latest news on Batman or any other DC Comic thing.

And I don't need e-mails that falsely tell me that:
"Cher is the new Catwoman"
or that
"Johnny Depp is The Riddler"
and not to note that most of the time, the Clause is 3 weeks old!!!

I'm always one pace ahead & the interview you should be asking is:

Where do you get all these Up To Date Information about DC Comics Film & Animation???

Forums.many, many Forums & Film Review Sites you all have perhaps never heard of.

I'm always on the spirit out for new DC Animated Series &/or Films,
And in place to get my Proper Updates, I use "The World's Finest" website & "The DC Animation Forums"

World's Finest:
Was named after the famous Batman/Superman crossover comic,
the situation itself has been up since 1998!
the sitecovers DC Animation from 1991 to today!
I've been using it since 2006. ( I became a Batman Fanatic in 06)
They also Archive every Animated Series ever made for DC Comics, from "Batman: The Animated Series" right up to the new "Young Justice"

The DC Animated Forums:
Is but a Fork of another larger Forum called "ToonZone Forum" basically a forum for different Animated Shows.
The assembly was also created to tie into "World's Finest" in 1998.
I've been using DCA:Forums since 2010, because one time World's Finest kinda crashed for a month & I needed Info for a new Justice League Animated Film.

Batman: Yesterday, Today & Beyond:
Is a fan site that covers every expression of Batman.
It features a detailed Comics with over 3,000 comics listed and a detailed Action Figure and Dolls section with every form to date!!!
So basically, when I wish to appear at all those "Wonderful Toys" I go here.

Now onto the Live Action Films.

City of Films:
Originally I didn't use the place for Film Hunting,
I used it because they get a Comic strip called "The City Strip" & the artist for said comic was on my DeviantArt Watchers List,
I'm going to be honest, I don't think what DC Comics Film they reviewed but whatsoever it was, really made me Desire the site.


Thats pretty much it,
Chips, Dips & Plenty of Good People exactly wish You.
All running together for a Greater Cause.Sustaining Me!!

No, but seriously.
There are a ton of other sites & forums I could list,
like IGN.Com, Machinima, the real Official Websites
but these guys are my "Number One, Guys" & I wouldn't take any other way.

Thanks for Reading & No Hard Feelings.

Live Long & Prosper \\//,

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