Thursday, May 19, 2011

IT'S DONE! - John D. Pierce Blog - Baptists Today, The Reservoir for .

By John Pierce

Last come the thought of redesigning this news journal that I`m privileged to edit arose. It started with the recognition that a decade had passed since the formatting and purpose had been significantly updated.

It is astonishing how that simple thought - when shared with bright, gifted and supportive persons - has taken off.

The answer is an expanded, redesigned and colorful Baptists Today news journal with a new center section (called Nurturing Faith) that contains excellent weekly Bible studies for Sunday school classes and other groups.

I cannot say enough good things around my colleagues - Tony, Jackie, Julie, David, Bruce, Jannie, Kim, Steve and our fabulous designer, Vickie - who have poured enormous time and talent into this project.

And our work simply could not be done without the incredible support of the Baptists Today Board of Directors and our partners (Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, CBF of North Carolina, Alabama CBF, Baugh Foundation, Mercer University - along with many early groups, churches, individual donors and advertisers).

Now the better intelligence of all: IT`S DONE!!

The June issue - with the new spirit and additional resources - is at the printer and the supportive online materials will be accomplished and performance when it hits mailboxes across the land.

Want a sneak preview? We`re throwing a Big Launch Party at the Cox Capitol Theater in downtown Macon, Ga. this Sunday at 7 p.m. No reservations needed; just read up.

We`ll love a concert by singer-songwriter Pat Terry and break the new Baptists Today on the big screen between sets. Refreshments will be provided as well.

Then David Cassady, Bruce Gourley and I have the preview show on the route with stops next week in Atlanta, Birmingham, Huntsville, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Asheville and Greenville. Details are at

Also, we will give a shop at the CBF General Assembly in Tampa at 3:30 pm on Friday, June 24, in Convention Center Room 31. Tony Cartledge (who writes the Word studies), Rick Jordan (who writes the adult teaching plans), David Cassady (who writes the youth lessons and coordinates all of the Nurturing Faith curriculum) and others will unite me.

The Word studies for adults and youth - and a colorful center spread for children by Kelly Belcher - follow Lectionary texts. The July lessons are in the upcoming June issue. So visit or call 1-877-752-5658 to set your orders.

We offer discounts for groups of 25 or more - with no charges for any of the teaching materials that include video overviews, lesson plans, commentary links and Tony`s "Digging Deeper" notes and "Hardest Questions."

Sure, the deadline for the July issue looms. But for a brief time, at least, we are celebrating. IT`S DONE!

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