Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lawmakers have

64th District: includes Surry County and Williamsburg; parts of Isle of Wight and James City counties

Lawmakers ultimately did not store the second treatment center but agreed to pay for expanding the capability of the cility in Nottoway. They also licensed the field to see how to curb the use of the program.

Joannou said the report also should search into how being deemed a ual predator affects the offenders once they allow the prison system.

The designation bars many from work at military installations and shipyards.

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Brown said the report also will review alternatives for reducing those cost andthe program more effective.

Morgan asked the faculty to review whether the province has a legal duty to continue treating the offenders, if they are not responding to the treatment. He said that could justify continuing to delay them without the high price of psychological treatment.

Faix, questioned whether longer prison sentences would give an affect on the rate that these offenders are being committed.

Brown said the subject will judge the challenges these offenders encounter when they give to their communities. Many take a tough time finding housing, for example, because apartment owners dont need to lease tooffenders.

Members of the Joint Legislative Audit and Inspection Commission received updates this week on a serial of studies looking at ways to hold the programs growth.

NOTE: Lawmakers haveComments area is for meaningful discussion. Readers are reminded to send comments that are germane to the clause and publish in a vernacular speech that steers clear of personal attacks and/or vulgarities. Readers may report comments by clicking report abuse. Once a comment has been flagged, a Daily Press staffer will Lawmakers have | Computer Use

While offenders are even in prison, they are granted a 10-question assessment and then scored zero to 12. Typically, anyone who scores five or higher continues to the following measure of determining whether they should be civilly committed, Brown said.

Nottoway County by this summer. A judge civilly commits offenders to the program following psychological assessments and a serial of legal reviews. The commitments come after the offenders complete their prison sentences.

Several offenders are attached to the heart each month &8212; a number of 85 were committed this past year. Because few ever forget the program, the figure of participants quickly has reached the cilitys capacity, said Justin Brown, a JLARC staff member.


Del. Harvey Morgan, R-Gloucester, chided the curriculum for allowing its protection to be more than it costs the land to run a prison.


Gov. Bob McDonnell has called for adding beds to the development program. He sought support for a second cility and to extend the cility in Nottoway County during the 2011 session.

The violent ual predator program is expected to house 300 convictedoffenders in state-run treatment cility in

Because finding housing is difficult, few offenders ever forget the program, which is the main reason the programme is growing so rapidly, Brown said.

I sure do not require these people on the streets, especially if they are a risk to the public, he said.

The subject is slated to be accomplished in November, ahead of the following General Assembly session when lawmakers will craft a new two-year budget.

The survey also will refresh the costs of the program, which Brown said includes more than just housing and treatment. The Department of Corrections, courts and attorney generals office all incur costs to run the program.

If the current rate of commitments continues, more than 600 offenders will be in the plan by 2016, he said.

The survey also will review whether expanding the scope of crimes that form an offender eligible for the plan has contributed to the programs growth.

RICHMOND &8212; Lawmakers have several unanswered questions as a squad of legislative staffers begins working on a survey of the states ballooning violent ual predator program.

I dont see that. These people have already served their time. They ought to be more or less complimentary to go around inside the four walls, he said.

Del. Johnny Joannou, D-Portsmouth, said he wants to know whether the states assessment tool is good and how it compares to other states.

3rd District: includes Williamsburg, Gloucester, James City and New Kent counties; part of Newport News and York


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