Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Mercy Side: Thoughts on TNA Final Answer and WWE Raw

Hey everyone,I only thinking I'd quickly run through my thoughts on the latest TNA Pay-Per-View and WWE's Monday Night Raw.On the whole, Final Settlement was just what TNA is in general at the moment, a mixed bag of good, bad, and awful. The tag team matches were well received, and the Knockouts feud was too good. That's the good. The bad was the constant fuck-ups mid-broadcast - the PPV started a few minutes late. The hell?

This is the biggest night of the month for the society and they know the output up. There were blackouts, some parts had good sound, they put some videos or segments up early or late, it was a complete disaster. Abyss/Pope and Jarrett/Joe were fairly bad too, as expected.And so the awful. Jeff Hardy. Now there have been conflicting reports to what happened on Sunday night. It doesn't matter what the accuracy is, if he was drunk, if he was high, if he was wasted, or if he was tired. Was he off his tits, or exhausted due to a ridiculous travel schedule? As I said it doesn't matter, it shouldn't have happened.If he was high or drunk, get rid of him. If he has to have drugs, drink, fine, what people do in their personal lives is up to them. I don't condone drug taking but if TNA want to become a blind eye that's fine. But if it affects work, then that's where the argument is crossed. If I turned up to work drugged up and out of it, they'd sack me. It should apply anywhere, you are a professional. Yes, this is the wrestling biz, but it's also a subject and a semi international product, that is watched in many different countries. Jeff Hardy is not just a role model to many people, especially children, but is the champion. He's the chief man. He is engaged to get asses into seats. If he is drugged up, he's simply, not going to perform. It makes him look very bad. It will make TNA look even worse. So as often as he's money, he's a big "superstar", he will be the case of them losing money if they proceed to let him get by with it.But the more recent account is that it was all blown out of proportion, and that Jeff Hardy has been all over the world, promoting and performing. Now, if that's the case, that's TNA's fault. Final Answer is the main night of the month, it's PPV night. All the month's work builds up to that one night. If theyexhausttheir champion to death before the main night, they're not going to get 100% out of him. He should be relaxing the day before, doing his usual work out, preparing for the night. Not travel on planes and promoting TNA. It makes me laugh in a way, TNA's schedule is zero on WWE's, they don't promote anywhere near as often as WWE wrestlers do. Jeff should know, he spent most of his career there. I don't know if TNA worked him too tough or if he isn't dealing with it easily enough. Something needs to change, if there's nothing amiss with the schedule, and he can't cope with it, he's not fit for champion. John Cena is the most popular guy with casual fans in WWE, yet he backs it up by busting his ass day after day, year after year. That's one of the principal reasons he has been champion so many times for so many days. WWE trust him with their product, if it's too often for Jeff Hardy he shouldn't hold the burden.Now that's out of the way, I'd care to speak about Raw last night. It sounded okay, they didn't do anything mind blowing. CM Punk is actually getting used to his new commentary role. I know his "my soda!" lines he keeps saying when the wrestlers get near to the announce table, or put someone through it. It's fantastic.The Michael Cole angle sounded well as well, I only trust that he is loss to be an official heel now, it's just frustrating when he praises some faces, it's not safe for the casual fans who see Cole like some bad guys and some good guys. He needs to be consistent. I think Michael Cole may want to produce a heel manager persona down the line, his passion is fantastic right now. I wouldn't say The Miz, he can speak for England (I mean US, sorry), but maybe Alex Riley on his own, or with a stable. Cole, Riley and some one else, or a tag team. It might work.The Orton/Miz stuff is running so far, not that I'm excited about their PPV match. It should be an okay match, but I don't believe they'll take anything close to a pair of the year standard match. But The Miz can talk, and Orton is complete enough for there to be interest, mainly with the casual fans who want Orton to have The Miz out for his cockychicken-shitheel approach.Sheamus/Morrison is carrying on it seems. That's fine, maybe Triple H isn't quite ready yet. Sheamus should go over in their next match, and then Trips come back and crush him up. I want Morrison to go over personally, I'm a decent fan of his and imagine he deserves a break. But for storyline purposes it makes sense for Sheamus to go out of the feud looking strong so people can debate, can he actually beat Triple H? It's been faithful to a class now, since they first started their feud. Time flies.That's it from me today. I should do these type of posts once in a while, it actually depends on time, and if what happened in the week interests me. I'm not going to do any play-by-play or any reports, there's enough guys out there to do that. But if you need my views on wrestling, you live where to go.Tomorrow I'll get my Top 50 Greatest Wrestling Catchphrases list. I'll post from #50 to #26 tomorrow. I promise you love that.Have a good night.

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