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Dylan RatiganDylan Ratigan hosts Morning Meeting with Dylan Ratigan on MSNBC and the Dylan Ratigan Show Sundays on WABC Radio12 Comments Print ShareMay 7th, 2010 2:57 PMIs Your Senator a Bankster?By Dylan RatiganThe one main benefit to the financial reform effort so far is that it helps further do away with the false paradigms of "odd" or "good" and "Democrat" or "Republican" - fewer and fewer people are dropping for those lies anymore.

Try to get an ideological conservative to explain why Republicans love spending and so eagerly give benefit to banks. Try to get your local liberal to explain why it was a just mind to have backroom deals with abhorrent corporations and drill, baby, drill. Heck, even try to get a Tea Partier to explain choosing bailout-lover Sarah Palin to keynote their convention, especially when that movement once had at least some pre-astroturf roots in protesting government giveaways.What we make now is a grouping of politicians with shifting alliances on a case-by-case basis to the particular interests who fund them. And currently, the most damaging one to our country is the surface of the Bankster Party. Thankfully, we can now better identify its members.Anyone who voted for the Kaufman-Brown SAFE amendment deserves to be considered a member of the "People's Party", at least for today. And while I may not agree, I am also OK with someone voting no on Kaufman-Brown if they voted no on the bailout in the 1st place. That at least shows a coherent ideology and we wouldn't want to give up the banks into smaller parts if our leaders had the volition to let them fail.But there is a peculiar order for those who hold the temerity to do something as incredibly un-American as voting to provide unencumbered welfare for rich bankers and then subsequently do absolutely nothing to fix the problem. And that particular place (for now) is in what we should call from this point onward the "Bankster Party". Allow me to submit to you its current members:BANKSTER PARTYDaniel Akaka (B-HI)Lamar Alexander (B-TN)Max Baucus (B-MT)Evan Bayh (B-IN)Michael F. Bennet (B-CO)Christopher S. Bond (B-MO)Richard Burr (B-NC)Thomas R. Carper (B-DE)Saxby Chambliss (B-GA)Susan M. Collins (B-ME)Kent Conrad (B-ND)Bob Corker (B-TN)John Cornyn (B-TX)Christopher J. Dodd (B-CT)Dianne Feinstein (B-CA)Lindsey Graham (B-SC)Chuck Grassley (B-IA)Judd Gregg (B-NH)Orrin G. Hatch (B-UT)Kay Bailey Hutchinson (B-TX)Daniel K. Inouye (B-HI)Johnny Isakson (B-GA)John F. Kerry (B-MA)Amy Klobuchar (B-MN)Herb Kohl (B-WI)Jon Kyl (B-AZ)Frank R. Lautenberg (B-NJ)Joseph Lieberman (B-CT)John McCain (B-AZ)Claire McCaskill (B-MO)Mitch McConnell (B-KY)Robert Menendez (B-NJ)Lisa Murkowski (B-AK)Bill Nelson (B-FL)Jack Reed (B-RI)Charles Schumer (B-NY)Olympia Snowe (B-ME)John Thune (B-SD)Mark Udall (B-CO)George Voinovich (B-OH)Mark Warner (B-VA)PEOPLE'S PARTYMark Begich (P-AK)Jeff Bingaman (P-NM)Barbara Boxer (P-CA)Sherrod Brown (P-OH)Roland Burris (P-IL)Maria Cantwell (P-WA)Bejamin Cardin (P-MD)Robert Casey Jr. (P-PA)Tom Coburn (P-OK)Byron Dorgan (P-ND)Richard Durbin (P-IL)John Ensign (P-NV)Russell Feingold (P-WI)Al Franken (P-MN)Tom Harkin (P-IA)Edward Kaufman (P-DE)Patrick Leahy (P-VT)Carl Levin (P-MI)Blanche Lincoln (P-AR)Jeff Merkley (P-OR)Lisa Mikulski (P-MD)Patty Murray (P-WA)Mark Pryor (P-AR)Harry Reid (P-NV)John D. Rockefeller IV (P-WV)Bernard Sanders (P-VT)Richard Shelby (P-AL)Arlen Specter (P-PA)Debbie Stabenow (P-MI)Tom Udall (P-NM)Jim Webb (P-VA)Sheldon Whitehouse (P-RI)Ron Wyden (P-OR)COPIED FROMMICHAEL MORRE.com - http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/mike-friends-blog/your-senator-bankster

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