Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fancy Flyers for World Fantasy

As I mentioned in the old post, I'm headed to World Fantasy this year. I get a version on Friday morning from 10:00 - 10:30 AM, so I figured I'd go up some flyers to open the word. Given that I take an epic fantasy to promote, I thought I'd give something that fits with the book. I brainstormed for a spell and thinking it would be fun to mark up the flyers and faux age the paper.

I thinking it would likewise be cool to made it kind of 3-D. There are any act of videos on how to faux age paper on YouTube, so I watched some of those. And so I picked up a wax seal with the initial 'K' on it. It looks more than a slight bit like this:

I also picked up some red wax to run and then strike with the seal. But to start with I required the basic layout. I worked on that with the aid of Jenn Reese, who came up with a stunning flyer for her WisCon reading earlier this class with Greg Van Eekhout, Rae Carson, Sarah Prineas, and Karen Healey. I essentially stole her format with some very minor tweaks. And so I was ready to mark up the pages and get started.

The beginning measure was to mark the pages. The basic tools of the deal are tea bags, coffee grounds, lemon juice, and a flame.

After rubbing the tea bag over the paper, I use relatively dry coffee grounds to rub "dirt" into the paper.

When this measure was through the flyer looked like so:

Next came the lemon juice, which I applied liberally with a food brush. Then it was time for the flame!

It took a spell to dry up the wet from the juice. Some of it even steamed off of the paper. But formerly it was dry, it would become light yellow and then golden brown, depending on how long you kept the paper there. Sometimes it even lit on fire, but a quick draw of air put that to rest. It didn't count if it did, though, because it generally made it look cooler, not worse. When this step was done, the pages looked like this.

Here's a closeup of the event the lemon juice/flame combination adds:

The drying process also made natural creases in the paper. The stairs to be the combustion process was supposed to be to gently crumple the report and so press it, but I found this to be unnecessary, and potentially detrimental, as the paper tended to go where it was most charred. Not lacking to give it rip in the wrong places, I abandoned this.

The following step was to shoot the edges to make them an ancient feel. To make certain they appeared properly aged, I ran water over the edges and so gave them another portion of the flame. At this point they were quick to get some embellishments, the 3-D look I was talk about earlier. I put a wax seal on each one.

My wife's dad had granted her a ton of pressed leaves to use for whatever. They made perfect embellishments.

I just glued one to each flyer, and voila, they were done.The last product looked like so:

I'm pretty pleased. I'm not yet sure World Fantasy is leaving to let me put them up, but at the very least, I'll carry them on the threshold of my reading and get one handy at the autograph signing for masses to see.

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