Saturday, October 9, 2010

Rational Jenn: It's Johnny's Birthday. . .

I don't believe I've ever actually taken the sentence to speak about my deep, abiding love of The Beatles. On the function of what would have been John Lennon's 70th birthday, I believe I'll finally do just that. My parents listened to The Beatles. I remember looking at their collection of record albums, pure and staring at the top of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, trying to figure out who in the earth all of those crazy-looking people were.

I listened to "Michelle" over and over again trying to take the French lyrics. I think asking my mom which one she thought was the cutest (she likes Paul, I think). When Brendan and I got together, we listened to The Beatles quite a bit. He was in a top band in college (which was SUPER fun, btw), and medicine was (and is) a huge portion of his life. I remember driving with Brendan down to see my baby at her college, and hearing to "Tag to Ride," and telling in harmony, over and over. Over the years, Brendan and I have studied The Beatles together. We listened only to Abbey Road during the summer of 2000 (though I doubt he will think it that specifically). I remember listening to the second half of the album (not that that specific phrase has much meaning now that CDs are the norm) with Brendan while driving up to the North Georgia mountains to abide in a rental cabin. Every time I hear "She Came in Through the Bathroom Window" I recollect us driving up and down twisty mountain roads. We should have had The Beatles at our wedding, but neither of us realized how important they were to go to us, and to the children we'd have. Anyway, Brendan and I are what you might call serious enthusiasts. We've seen the documentaries, the Anthology, we take everything they did together, and a good handful of the form they did afterwards The Beatles broke up. We possess books and books and posters, and my parents gave Brendan their old Beatles albums in frames for Christmas one year. We know much of little obscure details about their work, such as which lyric George's mom contributed to the song "Piggies" and which Beatle played the drums on "Support in the USSR" (hint: not Ringo). We please in picking up their work in other pop/rock music, and once spent an hour listening to a certain Elvis Costello song repeatedly in place to form out the exact Beatles song he was drawing from. When the kids came, "Here Comes the Sun" was the low song each of them ever heard. (And I campaigned heavily for Sean to be named "John." There. I said it. In our nursery, we had the John Lennon baby collection that Yoko authorized shortly before Ryan was born. Yes. It's really true. (And yes, I'm on first-name terms with Yoko, heh. Each kid has had favorite Beatles songs, and those songs will always be their songs to me. Ryan has "Blackbird Singing" (the lullaby I used to sing) and "Know Me Do" (he once entertained my extended family with a hearty rendition), and "Get Together." His current favorite will surprise no one who knows him: "Revolution." Morgan is "Martha My Good" and "Hey Bulldog!" (because, you know, dogs), and now she can talk the lyrics "Billll-eeeee, Sheeeeeaaarrrsssss!" right on key and I'm so proud (bonus: in which song is that lyric found?). Sean is "8 Years a Week" as all of my friends here know very well (he sings it often), and "Get Back" ("get back 'rettAHH!"). He also likes "Back in the USSR" as it begins with an airplane sound. Naturally, he prefers the Thomas the Tank Engine original series narrated by Ringo. Oh, and I only remembered-he has christened a sealed body function of his "Ringo" (I am not making this up). Our Music Class teacher, who has known us since Ryan was just a year old, calls us her "Most Beatles Family." Sean brought "Eight Years a Week" in last week to deal with the class. It was AWESOME. We all know The Beatles. I've thought a lot about why I know them so much. Part of it is that I enjoy tracing their musical development over the years-from bubble gum pop to quirky sitar blues. It's fun to try them mature right before my very ears. Intellectually, it's really interesting, though I even have yet to heed to Rubber Soul, then Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys (written in as a reaction to Rubber Soul-"God Alone Knows" is an AMAZING song), then Revolver (written in answer to Pet Sounds, possibly SPLHCB was influenced, too) all in a row. I demand to do that. Soon. The Beatles are a rage I deal with Brendan, something we can speak about for hours at a time. The songs are fun to talk at the top of my lungs. But mostly, I know their sense of life, and how the lyrics and music reflected that, even in the weird years. :o) And of all of them, John is my favorite (George is a close, close second, but he really didn't get great until post-Beatles, probably because he was finally rid of the other two). I think when he was killed, and I've written before near the impression it had on me as a ten year old child. My mom cried, people on television cried, and I cried because for the first time ever, I understood that there were very Bad Guys out there. But I don't think him because of his death, though it impacted me profoundly, in ways I would not realize until adulthood. I remember him because he was fun and gifted and had a weird sense of humor. I live he was a pacifist hippie-and I don't care. I know him anyway! :o) Maybe it's simply because it's an '0' year-John would have been 70 today. In December, it will be the thirtieth anniversary of his death. Maybe it's because I'm turning 40 next month (he was 40 when he died) and I mean almost all I have yet to accomplish, and all of the things John missed. But I only need to say: Thanks John (and Saul and George and Ringo). I can't see the speech to carry my esteem and how often I enjoy your music. The Beatles are in my meat and psyche and all of the mass and places I remember. I love I'll never lose affection.Don't forget to end by Google today, and see their protection to John.

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