Monday, October 11, 2010

She's a dwelling place for demons - foREVer Part 1

While writing this, I cannot get to say you the amount of times I had to point to cry. It took so much force to stop this up. And I'm not yet done yet. This fic actually started as a school assignment to save about you and your idol, who can be either support or dead. Please notice that this is not against Jimmy's beautiful widow, Leanna McFadden. Ihave so much honor for that woman, this is not against her in any way and no one can replace what she and Jimmy had.

This was good to save about myself (who I've strategically renamed :P) and Jimmy. So. I desire you enjoy what's here for now. I'll be posting more soon. -Ally Sitting on an uncomfortable black barstool behind a massive semi-circle of drums, a torrent of mental images flashed through Luna's mind. The memories were like a knife to the heart. Every day was a scramble for her. Even though it had been about 9 months since his passing, tears still found her every night. She moved the underside of her wrist, running her fingers on the famous "deathbat" and the curling script that made up his call and the dates of his lifespan. Touching the tattoo instantly brought her second to a happier time. This can't be real. I am sitting here at a cafe after being asked on a date by James Owen Sullivan. Jimmy Sullivan. The Reverend Tholomew Plauge. The Rev. He's probably not even going to read up anyway. Probably though I was only some groupie. Maybe I should just- Holy fuck,that's him. I'd know that hair anywhere. Wait, I should throw off until he turns his head. The handcuff tattoo on his neck. Whoa. He showed up. This is crazy. What do I say? How do I not go like a babbling moron? Does he even think what I feel like? He might have been drunk at the time. Well I did text him, telling him to see for the purple hair and snakebites. He's spotted me. I trust I don't know this up. Holy shit, he's in face of me. "Sorry about that. Johnny thought it'd be curious to pour some Jgermiester in my hair as I slept and hid my shampoo, so I had to use Zacky's girly shit," he laughs in that adorable lisp of his. I giggle and say softly, "It's like a college fraternity when you guys get together!" He nods and chuckles. Now the wait is here to get our order. I ask for a waffle and coffee, and Jimmy orders pancakes and a Diet Coke. The following two hours are spent eating, talking, joking and laughing, and getting dirty looks from patrons and staff. We both step outside under the cafe awning. I feel up at Jimmy, who is six feet and two inches tall. Being five feet 7 inches, it was always difficult in train to encounter someone my height. His arms wrap around me, he leans in. and he's kissing me. Oh my fucking god, I'm kissed held by the drummer of Avenged Sevenfold. This is unreal. I don't need him to draw away. He eventuallystops (only after many complaints and calls of "Get a room!" from passing assholes), and we pass to his car. Have I always been this happy before? No. This is the euphoria every one talks about. And I know it. Luna snapped out of her nostalgic state. Her head hurt so much, and she was crying to the place where she felt nauseous. She fell forward, face-first into the bone set, her head making a sickening thud that echoed throughout the room. "A Small Piece Of Heaven" started playing off in the far distance. It took a moment to show that it was her phone's ringtone. She ran to the kitchen, answered the song without even bothering to determine who it was, and wearily greeted whoever was on the line. "Shit Luna, you go like crap!" Zacky. It was none other than Zacky Vengeance (who's real list was Zack Baker, but no one called him that), one half of the guitarist duo in Avenged Sevenfold. He came over every day for the foremost 3 months after Jimmy passed away, bringing her food or groceries or even just coming over to spend time with her. Luna loved it when he'd get along Synyster Gates, who refused to go by the name Brian Haner. Luna mostly just called him Syn. "Yeah, I've had a bumpy day. Some years are worse than others, and today's one of those days," she sighed. "You didn't go in the jam space. did you?" Zacky asked, a suggestion of pained concern in his voice. Luna stayed silent. It would hurt way too much to assure him the truth, but at the same time she couldn't lie to Zacky. The job was muted for a whole two minutes until Zacky cleared his throat and asked sadly, "Do you want me or Syn to come over?" She whimpered yes, and Zacky whispered, "We'll see you soon, Luna. It'll all be okay." With those farewell words, the business went dead. Luna trudged back to the living room and collapsed on the couch. One would think time would heal things, but it was doing the precise opposite for her. Every day made the trouble of losing Jimmy stronger. Her being was a monitor of him.

After several minutes of laying on Jimmy's spot on the frame and stressful to check back tears, the doorbell (which played organ notes, something that Jimmy had installed a few days back) went off. Luna ran to the doorway and swung it open. Zacky and Syn were standing there, each holding a different stuffed doll. She smiled as they both hugged her, a look of happiness and undying dedication from them filling her heart. ~ Luna picked at her fingernail as she waited for Zacky to finish cooking dinner. Syn sat next to her, staring at her calloused fingertips. They were still shiny from playing guitar, an activity that they shared every sentence he visited. He could say something was definitely bugging her today. Zacky's phone call to her earlier definitely gave that away, but it was something else. She was acting extremely quiet, which was an extreme contrast to her normally outgoing personality. What Syn didn't know was that Luna was in the center of a flashback of Jimmy. She normally only had about two or 3 a week, but in the preceding month, it had been getting increasingly worse. They were getting so frequent, so vivid... Jimmy sits down in face of the huge baby grand piano. He grabs my waist and pulls me down next to him on the piano bench. He'd been promising for weeks to meet the call for me. "Okay love, tell me what you think," he says. He kisses my face and then he begins.

My eyes widen as I see his fingers fly across the dark and white rectangles. Oh my god. This is incredible. This is "Now I suppose I see How this earth can defeat a man Like a friend we saw it done In the end I gave my spirit for you Gave it all I had to have Ground a target for me to ease my mind While I may be strong to feel Heard there's peace only on the other side Not that I could Nor that I would Let it burn Under my skin Let it burn! Left this spirit to set me free Took a part of you inside of me All this pain can finally fade Promise me you'll never feel afraid Not that I could Nor that I would Let it burn Under my skin Let it burn I hope it's worth it Out on the highway, yeah I know you'll get your own way When I'm not with you So tell everybody The ones who walk beside me, yeah I promise you'll get your own way When I'm not with you tonight I hope it's worth it What's left behind me, yeah I know you'll get your own way When I'm not with you So tell everybody The ones who walk beside me, yeah I promise you'll get your own way When I'm not with you. tonight." I wipe the tears from my eyes and take Jimmy's hand. He turns toward me and kisses me. The lyrics of the song scare me. None of his songs about murder or hell scare me. But for some reason, in the pit of my stomach, I'm in fear. Fearing for Jimmy's life. Wrapping my arms round him as we kiss, I trust like hell that this definitely won't be my last Christmas with him. He pulls out from me and asks, "So, you do you wish it?" I nod vigorously, then rest my mind on his shoulder. He presses his front into my hair and says, "I know you so much Luna, always think that." "Always..."

Luna jerked back in her chair, shaking, with glossy, tear stained eyes. Syn's eyes widened. He stood up from his professorship and came up from behind her, wrapping his tattooed arms about her. Her body heaved violently with each sob. Syn knew the perfect remedy, as this had happened before. "A solitary road crossed another cold state line, miles off from those I love, hope is hard to find." Zacky, who was currently grating cheese in the kitchen, looked up. He knew that song. Luna's flashback song. Syn always sang it to her when she was at her worst. He dropped the block of chese on the sideboard and ran to the dining room. By the sentence he had reached the doorway, Luna's sobs had died down to small, child-like sniffs. Despited that she had definitely calmed, Syn kept singing to her. Zacky walked over, rested his paw on Syn's shoulder, and said quietly, "I suppose she's okay now." Syn looked up at him, his strong brown eyes full and on fire. It was a look that just screamed, "Go the bed away." Zacky backed off and walked to the kitchen, where he proceeded to put everything he had only prepared into the fridge. He walked backwards to the dining room, grabbed Syn by the cover of his shirt, and said sternly, "We're leaving. Now." Surprisingly, Syn didn't put up a fight. As he being prodded towards the front door, he spotted Luna in the hallway, staring sadly at him. He mat a stab in his chest. As the front door shut behind him and Zacky, Syn thought to himself, So this is what hell feels like... On the drive home, Syn thought Zacky was passing to prick his mind off. He was absorbing the wheel, his knuckles turn white as snow. His emerald eyes were squinted, making his brows furrow. Syn just sat in the passenger's seat, hoping Zacky wouldn't say a discussion until he dropped him off. But he was unquestionably wrong. "What the pit has gotten into you?!" Zacky screamed at him. "Can you not control yourself?! She's mouruning, you dick! The fact that you've fallen for her is bad enough, but for god's sake, restrain yourself!" Zacky kept screaming, just yelling what he already had, with different wording and more obscenities each time around. Making certain he didn't notice, Syn put a phone in, turned on his iPod, and closed his eyes. It was rare that Syn listened to his own band's music, but this time it felt right, almost like his eye was beating in sentence to the song. "A solitary road crossed another cold state line, miles off from those I love, hope is hard to find." ~Luna sat with her support to the face of the bed, hugging her legs to her and her pass down. Her shirt was stained with tears. The minute Zacky had literally dragged Syn out of her house, she had run upstairs, changed into one of Jimmy's old Jack Daniels shirts, and cried. What had gotten into Syn? she pondered. He was ordinarily very dainty and comforting, but today. it was something else. Another layer of affection. She coudn't figure out why. She lifted her guide up, and for a split second, she could've sworn her heart stopped. The maze of strategically cut black hair. The blue steel eyes. The extemely sun-deprived pale skin. Luna reached out in presence of her to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. She stirred his cheek, which felt warm as can be. ".Jimmy?"

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